Check out my twitter feed
for the most up to date news.
Three courses are now available as online courses with complete videos on
- Bachelor course Introduction to Cryptology(Fall 2022, second quarter)
I will act as general chair for
PQCrypto 2022 which will
take place online Sep 28 – 30.
- Master Course: Cryptology (Fall 2022)
- Master Math course Selected Areas in Cryptology (Spring 2022, with Bart Mennink).
- I'm visiting professor at Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
- Bachelor course Introduction to Cryptology(Fall 2021, second quarter)
- Master Course: Cryptology (Fall 2021)
All videos for this course are accessible on the course page and on
YouTube Channel
- Master Math course Selected Areas in Cryptology (Spring 2021, with Marc Stevens).
My videos for this course are accessible on the course page and on
YouTube channel.
- Bachelor course Introduction to Cryptology (Fall 2020, second quarter)
This course got it's own
public YouTube channel,
so tune in! You have to be a TU/e
to join the live sessions and to get your homeworks corrected.
- Master Course: Cryptology (Fall 2020)
This course is also offered as part of
- We had planned to run the Security in Times of Surveillance workshop on May 25, but Covid-19 got in our way. Still wondering whether to do on online replacement
- I'll be spending the spring term at the Simons Institute for the programs
Lattices: Algorithms, Complexity, and Cryptography and The Quantum Wave in Computing
- Master Course:
Cryptology (Fall 2019)
This course is also offered as part of
- We're organizing the Ei/PSI workshop Security in Times
of Surveillance on 28 June 2019.
- We organize a conference
to celebrate the influence of Ruud Pellikaan on 7 & 8 March 2019 in Eindhoven.
- Master Math course Selected Areas in Cryptology (Spring 2019, with Andreas Hülsing and Marc Stevens).
- I am program co-chair for PQCrypto 2018.
Initial submission deadline is Nov 18, changes are still possible till Nov 25.
- Bachelor course Introduction to Cryptology(Fall 2017, second quarter)
- We got into Nature! Sep 14 issue has
Post-quantum cryptography by Daniel J. Bernstein and me. This created some
press attention for the topic.
We're organizing the ECRYPT-NET summer school on Correct and Secure Implementation, 8–12 October 2017 on Crete.
- Master Course:
Cryptology (Fall 2017)
This course is also offered as part of
- Master Math course Selected Areas in Cryptology (Spring 2017, with Marc Stevens).
- Executive School on Post-Quantum Cryptography 2017
Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 22–23, 2017
- Summer School on Post-Quantum Cryptography 2017, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, June 19–23, 2017
- PQCrypto 2017 will take place in the Netherlands, June 26-28, 2017.
- Bachelor course Introduction to cryptology - Fall 2016
- I sent Comments to NIST for their
post-quantum call
- Cryptology course is fully publicly accessible, including videos.
- I won the university-wide prize for Best Master Lecturer 2016.
- Master Course:
Cryptology (Fall 2016)
This course is also offered as part of MasterMath.
For other courses see Teaching.
We organize
HighLight: High-Security Lightweight Cryptography
We organize SPEED-B -
Software performance enhancement for encryption and decryption, and benchmarking
October 19–21, 2016, Utrecht, NL
We organize a 1-day workshop
on June 28, 2016, on post-quantum cryptography as part of our EU project
We organize Post-Snowden Cryptography
on December 9 and 10, 215 in Brussels, as part of
- We got the best-student paper award at CARDIS 2014 for Kangaroos in Side-Channel
- We showed our first results on using EMR against AMD processors at
the rump session of CHES. We can distinguish constant time operations
based on input, see pictures in slides
- We designed a stateless hash-based signature scheme. SPHINCS is post-quantum secure and
- Kerckhoff Master Course:
Cryptography I (Fall 2014)
- Coding Theory and Cryptology I (Fall 2014)
- We've added some totally random bada55 curves
to complement our SafeCurves
study. A new requirement for the thread model: the designer of the
cryptosystem may be malicious. Matching paper: How to manipulate curve standards: a white paper for the black hat
- We're organizing the Ei/PSI workshop Security in Times
of Surveillance on 28 April 2014.
- More information about our attack on the Dual EC random number generator is
available here
2WF50 Algebra en Discrete Wiskunde (Spring 2014)
- Our attack on certified smart cards
will appear at Asiacrypt 2013 and now has its own webpage
- Elligator -- Elliptic-curve points indistinguishable from uniform random strings, with Daniel J. Bernstein, Mike Hamburg, and Anna Krasnova will appear at ACM-CCS
- Together with Kristin Lauter and Petr Lisonek I'm chair of SAC 2013
- You can find me on twitter as hyperelliptic
- I'm leading the EU FP7 project Physically unclonable functions found in standard PC components (PUFFIN)
- Research retreat Internet crypto, January 21 - 22, 2013, Tenerife, Spain
- Workshop on Cryptography for the Internet of Things, November 20 - 21, 2012, Antwerp, Belgium
- Post-Quantum Cryptography and Quantum Algorithms from 5 Nov 2012 through 9 Nov 2012 at the Lorentz-Center in Leiden, Netherlands
- DIAC - Directions in Authenticated Ciphers, July 05 - 06, 2012
- Code-based Cryptography Workshop 2012 9-11 May 2012, Lyngby, Denmark
- Registration is open Pairing 2012. The workshop will take place in Cologne right before PKC.
- Workshop on Elliptic Curves in Cryptography, Oct 2012 Mexico.
- SHARCS 2012. The workshop will take place in Washington right before FSE and SHA-3.
- YouTube video on Faster Computation of the Tate Pairing about paper with Christophe Arène, Michael Naehrig, Christophe Ritzenthaler.
Michael's whole family in action!
- We're working on the ECC2K-130 challenge. Our preprint is now on ePrint as 2009/541 and we present regular updates on our twitter page
- Our team, posting as @hashbreaker and @CodingCrypto has won Engineyard's
SHA-1 challenge! For details on the computation see here.
- The
Coding and Cryptography Computer Cluster (CCCC) has its own page.
- Our paper
ECM on graphics cards
got accepted to Eurocrypt 2009.
- Our attack on the McEliece cryptosystem finished succesfully! The
describing the background appeared at the second PQCrypto 2008
workshop. The attack finished after 8000 CPU-days. See also the press coverage.
- Binary Edwards Curves;
also have a look at the Slides from the
Eurocrypt Rump-Session or those from Dan's and my presentation in Madrid
- Explicit-Formulas Database
- Edwards coordinates
- We are a node of ECRYPT - European Network of Excellence in Cryptology.
CACE - Computer Aided Cryptography Engineering got funding in the 7th EU-Framework program.
Last modified: 2022.11.01