d1*(x+y)+d2*(x^2+y^2)=(x+x^2)*(y+y^2)Affine addition formulas: (x1,y1)+(x2,y2)=(x3,y3) where
x3 = (d1*(x1+x2)+d2*(x1+y1)*(x2+y2)+(x1+x1^2)*(x2*(y1+y2+1)+y1*y2))/(d1+(x1+x1^2)*(x2+y2)) y3 = (d1*(y1+y2)+d2*(x1+y1)*(x2+y2)+(y1+y1^2)*(y2*(x1+x2+1)+x1*x2))/(d1+(y1+y1^2)*(x2+y2))Affine doubling formulas: 2(x1,y1)=(x3,y3) where
x3 = (d1*(x1+x1)+d2*(x1+y1)*(x1+y1)+(x1+x1^2)*(x1*(y1+y1+1)+y1*y1))/(d1+(x1+x1^2)*(x1+y1)) y3 = (d1*(y1+y1)+d2*(x1+y1)*(x1+y1)+(y1+y1^2)*(y1*(x1+x1+1)+x1*x1))/(d1+(y1+y1^2)*(x1+y1))Affine negation formulas: -(x1,y1)=(y1,x1).
d1=d2and represent x y as w satisfying the following equations:
W coordinates [more information] represent x y as w satisfying the following equations:
WZ coordinates with d1=d2 [more information] make the additional assumptions
d1=d2and represent x y as W Z satisfying the following equations:
WZ coordinates [more information] represent x y as W Z satisfying the following equations:
Affine coordinates with d1=d2 [more information] make the additional assumptions
d1=d2and represent x y as X Y satisfying the following equations:
x=X y=Y
Affine coordinates [more information] represent x y as X Y satisfying the following equations:
x=X y=Y
Projective coordinates with d1=d2 [more information] make the additional assumptions
d1=d2and represent x y as X Y Z satisfying the following equations:
x=X/Z y=Y/Z
Projective coordinates [more information] represent x y as X Y Z satisfying the following equations:
x=X/Z y=Y/Z