Contents | Announcements | Exams | Literature | Videos and slides | Course notes and exercise sheets | Old exams |
Tanja Lange
Coding Theory and
Eindhoven Institute for the Protection
of Systems and Information
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Room MF 6.103
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
Phone: +31 (0) 40 247 4764
The easiest ways to reach me wherever I am:
This page belongs to course 2MBD60 - Introduction to cryptology. This course is offered at TU/e as part of the bachelor's elective package Security and used to be called 2WF80 - Introduction to Cryptology. For the 2024/25 edition there is no difference between the courses.
Classical systems (Caesar cipher, Vigenère, Playfair, rotor machines), shift register sequences, DES, RC4, RSA, Diffie-Hellman key exchange, cryptanalysis by using statistics, factorization, attacks on WEP (aircrack).
Some words up front: Crypto is an exciting area of research. Learning
crypto makes you more aware of the limitations of security and privacy
which might make you feel less secure but that's just a more
accurate impression of reality and it a good step to improve your
Here is a nice, though somewhat dated, link collection
of software to help you stay secure
and private
If you study mathematics, you should have participated in "2WF50 - Algebra"
and "2WF70 - Algorithmic algebra and number theory".
If you study computer science or any other program you should have
participated in "2DBI00 - Linear Algebra and Applications",
"2IT50 or 2IT80 - Discrete structures", and
"2WF90 - Algebra
for security" before taking this course.
If not you can find some material in the Literature section
but note that you are on your own for learning this.
Lectures take place Mon block 3 and 4
and Thu block 7 and 8. Because more students signed up than the schedulers
assumed we have a bit of an odd mix of lecture rooms, please check the online
We have three locations for the instruction sessions (Thu block 5 and 6),
please join the room that's emptier. We might reduce to two rooms if not enough
students show up, but I really recommend doing the instruction sessions and
attending them live if you can fit them in your agenda. They are more important
than the lecture, and thus get the prime spot. We'll have enough instructors in
the rooms so that you can ask your questions and check the answers to your
exercises with them. We will not hand out solutions.
In 2020 and 2021 the course has been
running online with short videos – one video per topic,
so several videos per unit.
This year two of the Monday lectures will be streamed and recorded because we
couldn't get a big enough room, but most lectures happen only in person.
The teaching assistants/instructors for this course are the following 7 people.
We will not have a lecture on 6 Jan.
It is not necessary to purchase a book to follow the course.
For some background on algebra see
For easy prototyping of crypto implementations I like the computer
algebra system Sage. It is based on
python and you can use it online or install it on your computer (in a
virtual box in case you're running windows).
I recorded a
video to
demonstrate how to use Sage, covering basics of finite fields and
elliptic curves. The latter do not for this course, so watch start till
minute 10:50 and then again for about 2 minutes after 19:30.
I also wrote a short ``cheat sheet'' with commands for Sage,
see here
For encrypting your homeworks you should use GPG/PGP. If you're
running Linux then GNU uPG is easy to install.
GPG4win; if
you're using MAC-OS you can use GPG
Suite (though I'm getting reports that they changed their system and now
charge for the full version, the command-line linux version works for sure).
Thunderbird has good integration and I hear that also outlook can
work well with the plugins.
Please always inlcude all 7 of them when you send in your homeworks -- and make
sure that you encrypt to all 7 of them and to your team mates. All email
systems that I know of will do this automatically if you have all keys in your
address book and the people in the To or Cc field your email.
The teaching assistants from 2023 wrote
guide to homework submission for this course.
If absolutely not possible otherwise, we are OK with having only the attachment being
encrypted and signed, but prefer proper encryption of the whole email. If you
end up going for file encryption only you must ensure that all receipients can
decrypt and you're missing out on the support that the email system offers you.
30% of the grade is determined by homeworks. There will be six
sets of homework during the quarter. You should hand in your homework
in groups of 3 or 4. To make sure that you get used to crypto we require
solutions to be sent encrypted and signed with GPG/PGP. Each participant must
have communicated with the TAs at least once using GPG/PGP.
You can find the keys for the TAs linked above.
If for some reason you need to email me,
you can find my public key for on the key servers
and on my
The exam will probably not take place on 27 January 2025, 09:00 - 12:00,
but one week later. The online timetable is not yet updated as of 15 Jan.
please double check on the offical
TU/e pages before going to the exam.
The retake is likely scheduled for April 7, 18:00 - 21:00.
The exam
accounts for the remaining 70% of the grade.
For 2022 and 2023 the lectures were recorded
and posted at
Yuja site. Search for course code 2WF80 (the old name of this course) to
see the recordings. Mine are the 2022/23 and 2023/24 versions, not the 2018/19
version which for some reason laods with preview. Click on the three vertical
dots on the right end of the course to select "open" and get to the videos.
For the 2020 and 2021 editions of the course I recorded a lot of short videos
which you can find on the YouTube
Channel which are better for self study or if you want a more direct way to
look up a subject.
course page for 2021 has short descriptions of all videos, slides,
and no-cookie links to the YouTube videos. Watch them
from there if you're on a low-cookie diet.
This section is extended through the course with notes of what happened in class and links to blackboard pictures. You can also find here the exercise sheets for the sessions on Thursdays.
11 Nov 2024
The frist lecture was be given by
Monika Trimoska.
Monika presented the requirements that cryptography should achieve, namely to provide
confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity, against attackers that have
access to all messages sent and who may attempt to inject messages or to modify
messages. Then, presented an introduction to public-key cryptography and
signatures and ended with historical ciphers
These three sets of slides:
14 Nov 2024
Note that we have excerises in block 5 &6, lectures in block 7 & 8.
Here is the exercise sheet for block 5 and 6: exercise-1.pdf. See also the raw data if paste fails.
If you get stuck on the Hill cipher watch the 2021 video on XGCD under
background on the 2021 course page.
For most of the exercises the solution is obvious when you have it. If you're
not sure, please ask the TA in your room to check you solution.
There are many more pages on the web with tools for cryptanalysis of
classical ciphers, e.g.,,,,
sadly some of these don't offer https version (kind of hilarious, given the
topic, but then it's about attacks ....)
Alfter some more annouuncements regarding the homework and PGP,
we covered two more historical ciphers: Playfair and column transposition.
For Playfair we discussed how it works and why the encoding is needed. We also
covvered some slight variations that sender and receiver could agree to use and
that we want a square (or almost square) arrangement, so 36 could also work
with all 26 letters and 10 digits -- but then make sure to have an alphanumeric
For column transposition it's important to remove the gaps between the pieces
to hide the width of the grid. This is a nice example of a cipher where
knowledge of natural languages was very important in the attacks, not just
We had some rotor machines from the
on show in the MetaForum and maybe might get some again, but for now we don't
have a nice display box.
Check out the extensive website of the Cryptomuseum on crypto machines and spy craft.
As a secure historical example we covered the one-time pad and its practical limitations. You can think of it as Viginiere having the keyword length match the message length, but we also need a random key to get the strong security that is offers (information-theoretic security).
Finally we covered stream ciphers as an example of symmetric-key
encryption and as a more practical alternative to one-time pads. All security
concerns of one-time pads apply – never use them twice – and additionally
stream ciphers need to be checked whether they really produce random-looking
streams. Basic essentials to avoid the two-time pad issue is to use an IV
(initialization vector) to make sure that the stream cipher has a fresh
randomized starting point for each message and that the space for the IV is big
enough to avoid repetitions.
We'll cover the more formal staements and some examples of stream ciphers on
I had forgotten to pack my camera, a student was so nice to take these pictures
and send them to me.
Pictures of black boards are here.
The first homework is due on 21 November 2024 at 13:30. Here is the first homework sheet.
For submitting your homework you need to
generate a keypair (a private and a public key). As the names suggest you
should keep the private key private and can publish your public key. The latter
is needed to encrypt messages to you and to verify signatures made by you, so
that's what you need to send in along with your homework solution and that's
also what your team mates need from you in order to communicate securely with
you. You can find the keys of the TAs above under Announcements.
Please remember to submit your homework by encrypted, signed email to
all the TAs.
Don't forget to include your public key and those of your team mates.
20 Nov 2024
I gave more technical details on stream ciphers. Then we
covered feedback-shift registers (FSRs),
LFSRs and how to represent them via matrices.
(L)FSRs are examples of stream ciphers. The IV is used as the initial state and
the key defines the feedback function. Note that this is very much simplifying
things and LFSRs alone are really bad stream ciphers as you can recover the
state update from the IV and just n-1 more ooutput bits. However, LFSRs are used
in bigger constructions because we can reason well about the periods they
geerate (without having to try everything).
We started with some theory on periodic and quasi-period sequences and showed
that if a sequence repeats every l steps then l is a multiple of the period.
We have seen that depending on the function and the initial state,
the output sequence can have a very short period. For LFSRs we have
established that the output sequence is periodic (not just ultimately periodic)
if c0=1 and that the period divides the order of the state-update materix.
We also established that the all-zero state leads to the all-zero
sequence of period 1 for any LFSR. We covered 2 complete examples for LFSRs with
state-size 3 for all states, one had periods 7 and 1, the other had
4,2,1,1. Note that there are 2^n different states, so the sum needs to match
2^n, so 8 in thess examples.
Finally I stated that the characteristic polynomail of the state update matrix
is x^n -cn-1xn-1
One of the students was so nice to take pictures of the board, they are here.
21 Nov 2024
Here is the exercise sheet for block 5 and 6: exercise-2.pdf. You should really try to
solve these exercises and make some conjectures about how orders,
degrees, and periods fit together.
You can call over the TAs for checking and I've put a quizz on Canvas
so that you can check the numbers yourself -- and ask the TAs if you didn't get
the right answer. I do expect that you use a computer for the larger examples.
In class we covered more details on LFSRs, in particular we took some of the
conjectures on orders of C and f(x) that you should have found in the exercise session,
turned them into theorems, and proved them. Now that they are proven, you
can use them as facts, so proofs are useful.
First we showed that the order of the state-update matrix equals the longest
period that that LFSR can produce and that it is produced using starting state
S0 of (00....01). Then I covered the proof that I skipped on Monday
that the characteristic polynomial equals x^n -
I used Rabin's irreducibility
test, you should know that from previous lectures and you should be able to
recognize some irreducible polynomials of small degree namely x, x+1, x^2+x+1,
x^3+x+1, and x^3+x^2+1 as factors of polynomials. I also stated the irreducible
polynomials of degree 4 and that at that degree it is no loger sufficient to
check for roots. We computed the order of an irreducible polynomial of degree 3
by just observing the 2^3-1 is prime and thus is divisible only by 1 and 7, the
order cannot be less than the degree, hence it is 7. For those of degree 4 we
needed a bit more work, but only needed to check whether it was 5 or not, after
excluding divisors 1 and 3 as being smaller than the degree. In the first case
the degree was not 5 and hence had to be 15 (it needs to divide 2^n-1). In the
second case it was 5. A polynomial that achieves maximal order is called a
primitive polynomial.
For primitive polynomials we have periods 2^n-1 and 1, for irreducible but not
primitive we have (2^n-1)/ord(P) disjoint sequences of period ord(P) and one of
period 1.We don't know yet how to handle polynomials that are not irreducible
but I briefly showed sums of polynomials as a preview for next week and what is
happening when we have multiple factors.
See here for the slides that I
showed of the sums.
Note that P(x)=det(xI-C) implies that P(C) = 0, where you take powers of C in
place of powers of C, so C is interchangable with x modulo P(x) and
C^r = 1 corresponds to x^r =1 mod P(x), i.e. the order of C equals the order of
P(x), which explains why we defined order of P this way. Note that in
the instructions you computed the order of C and the orders of the
factors of P(x), so you didn't always get the same results -- or rather,
you only got the same results for the cases that P was irreducible.
Pictures of black boards are here.
The second homework is due on Thursday 28 November 2024 at 13:30. Here is the second homework sheet. Please remember to submit your homework by encrypted, signed email to the TAs. Don't forget to include your public key and those of your team mates.
25 Nov 2024
We defined a few more propoerties of LFSRs and their characteristic
polynomials so that we had more toold available and could tackle understanding
what is actually going on. The main result of this
lecture is that the characteristic polynomial of the LFSR that one obtains as
the sum of two LFSRs equals the lcm of the characteristic polynomials of the
LFSRs that are added up. We also proved that for an irreducible characteristic
polynomial all non-zero output sequences have the same period length (I had
stated this before, now it's proven). Both of
these results needed generating functions, which are very useful tools to know
This gave us a different way to define the characteristic polynomial of a squeence, namely as the polynomial P of degree n so that when one multiplies the generating function by the reciprocal of P one optains a polynomial of degree less than n. Last year I had gotten stuck on that proof, so I did that one using slides. this time.
Generating functions were also helpful to analyse sums of LFSRs. I showed some examples from these slides which made us understand that normally we get a sequence of period the lcm of the periods of the summand sequences, but we also saw that using the same LFSR twice can give period 1 (because they cancel) and is at best as good as just one of them, so not a smart idea to do this, We also had an odd example where we added two sequences and got a period that was shorter than the input. With the proof we now know how to analyze characteristic polynomials that are composite. I wrote the steps on the board.
On the practical side taking sums of LFSRs can be motivated by asking what we can build from given small hardware components, and in fact many designs are actually built from such pieces, but it is also a useful step in. our quest to understand LFSRs which do not have irreducible LFSRs and we got some ideas – and disproved some.
LFSRs are used in practice because they are small and efficient, but they
need a non-linear component to be secure. I covered three ciphers from
telecommunication (A5/11, A5/2, and SNOW-3G) which all are based on LFSRs with
some nonlinear components. See the slides
for their definitions and some details.
These ciphers were in every cell phone using GSM 2G and downgrade
attacks were possible for a long time.
It sounds like the 54 bits were
a compromise between countries wanting strong crypto and others wanting
weak crypto. One of the first postings on it
with some details on the history
(note that the original link
does not work now)
an attack idea for A5/1 by Ross Anderson is from 1994, but many
details were missing. The full algorithm descriptions of A5/1 and its
purposefully weakened sibling A5/2 were reverse engineered and
posted in 1999 by
Marc Briceno, Ian Goldberg, and David Wagner. The same group also
showed a devastating attack on A5/2, allowing for real-time decryption.
Sadly enough, the A5 algorithms allow downgrade attacks, so this is a
problem for any phone which has code for it, which is most until
recently. Also A5/1 does not offer 2^54 security (54 bits is the
effective key length) but only 2^24 (with some precomputation/space).
However, A5/2 is broken even worse, in 2^16 computations, with efficient
code online, e.g A5/2 Hack Tool.
Further reading on finite fields and the mathematical theory of LFSRs is in Lidl/Niederreiter (see literature section), van Tilborg (see literature section), and David Kohel's lecture notes.
While I was answering some questions the guy who cleans the boards came in and
started wiping, so some of what I wrote is lost. I took photos of what was
still there but almost 3/4 of the first board are gone. A student was so nice
to let me take photos of their handwritten notes and I'm posting those. Please
note that these are inlcuing conntent copied from the slides, thus are more
complete than what my board pictures cover and have some overlap with what you
get from looking at the pdf files. The photos are
28 Nov 2024
Here is the exercise sheet for block 5 and 6: exercise-3.pdf.
The cipher we analyzed in the exercise session is RC4. Even as recently as 2013
this was the preferred symmetric cipher for https.
(The alternative was a block cipher in CBC mode, which we'll learn about next
I find it quite
surprising that such a widely used cipher exhibits properties we can
find in an exercise session (well, knowing where to look, of course).
Note that
RC4 was a secret design, available only as black box implementation.
Soon after it was leaked as "arcfour" weaknesses were found.
I summarized some weaknesses on the board but for showing some of the biases I
used these slides.
I had planned on covering a bit more today, but it was also good to get the
feedback (thanks to GEWIS for moderating).
On Monday I showed a table regarding the best known attacks on some real-world
stream ciphers. That table is from, a
paper my Alex Biryukov and Leo Perrin. They wrote a nice overview of
lightweight ciphers, including more modern and less broken ones.
Since then even more details on GSM have come out and in 2021 details of two more GSM ciphers, GEA-1 and GEA-2, were published and analyzed. I mentioned that I wanted to show some more, take a look at page 7 of the scientific publication about the attack. The attack made news in 2021 because many new cell phones were still supporting GEA-1, even though it was "removed" from the standard by ETSI in 2013, and because it was unusually weak: GEA-1 has a 64-bit key but it is designed such that after initialization there are only 2^40 different states (instead of 2^64 that should be possible). The design was not public, but a cursory look would not reveal this property; this strongly looks like a back door. GEA-2 does not have this problem (and so far is not discontinued) but it also offers far less security than it should. It is unclear whether the techniques used in the attack were known in the 1990s.
If this didn't make you sufficiently skeptical of everything ETSI, here is another one that came out this summer (2024) TETRA:BURST against the Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) standard, a standard by ETSI which is used for radio communication incl. for critical infrastructture and emergency servvices, and which totally crumbled under analysis. We had Carlos and Wouter give a talk about their work at the last Security in Times of Surveillance.
Better stream ciphers exist, e.g. the final portfolio from the eSTREAM competition has held up well.
Pictures of black boards are here.
The third homework is due on 05 December 2024 at 13:30. Here is the third homework sheet.
Please remember to submit your homework by encrypted, signed email to
all the 7 TAs (and not to Tanja).
Don't forget to include your public key and those of your team mates.
Do not submit as a singleton or pair, the minimum group size is 3.
Pictures of black boards are here.
05 Dec 2024
Here is the exercise sheet for block 5 and 6: exercise-4.pdf.
I stated the attack model for MAC (attacker gets pairs of message and valid
tag, either on random messages or on messages of their choice) and showed how a
length extension attack on the simple MAC(m,k) = H(k,m) works if H is a hash
function following the Merkle–Damgaard design. One can aboid this by
usding different hash functions (e.g./ SHA-3), forcing m to have fixed length,
ot requiring some particular padding in the last block Mt-1. Be
aware that it's hard to get padding requirements right and that the attacker
might. Using MAC(m,k) = H(m,k) instead is also an option, but then a collision
in H can be extended to a forgery (of course, we don't want collisions to be
findable in the first place).
As a small anecdote regarding length-extensions for MD hashes I told the story
of us competing to find a close preimage. Our writeup is
Note that signatures and MACs satisfy different requirements. Signatures can be used to convince a 3rd party of the authenticity of a document while MACs are part of the symmetric-crypto world and anything that A presents as coming from B could have been generated by A herself.
The exercise session today covered DES as an example of a block cipher. DES is a Feistel cipher. I showed the general design and gave some description of how it is possible to decrypt even though the functions f_i are not invertible. The S-box is the non-linear part; the NSA strengthened the S-boxes in the original design (Lucifer) against differential attacks &bdash; but made the keys much shorter, going from 128 to only 56 bits. 56 bits for the key is not secure enough! First brute force attack was done with "DES Cracker" for 250k USD. In 2006 a team from Bochum and Kiel built COPACOBANA which can break DES in a week for 8980 EUR (plus some grad-student time). We'll discuss attack costs on Moday. In the exercises we saw that small changes in the input lead to big changes in the output.
Block ciphers can encrypt data in blocks of fixed length n. If you encrypt
each block separately your encryption is vulnerable to statistical attacks,
famous example of how weak this is is the ECB
The name for this approach is ECB (electronic code book) mode because it's
just an electronic version of a substitution cipher.
The approach means that identical blocks encrypt the same way which often
leaks information (the penguin is still recognizable).
To encrypt messages longer than one block you need to use a mode of
Instead of ECB we want to use approaches in which repeating plaintext blocks
within a message do not lead to repeating ciphertext blocks. We also need to
use an IV so that completely identical messages do not lead to identical
Today we covered CBC, more modes to come on Monday. CBC has been around for a
long time. We covered how to get encrypt and decrypt and that encryption is
inheriently sequential while decryption is local. A transmission error in C_i leads to a
change in Mi and Mi+1.
Always make sure to include a MAC!
Pictures of black boards are here.
The fourth homework is due on 12 December 2024 at 13:30. Here is the fourth homework sheet.
Please remember to submit your homework by encrypted, signed email to all 7 TAs
(and not to Tanja).
Don't forget to include your public key and those of your team mates.
Do not submit as a singleton or pair, the minimum group size is 3.
09 Dec 2024
Monika Trimoska was so nice to jump in and
cover the lecture for me.
She covered methods for computing exponentiation, introduced RSA, and covered a
first attack on schoolbook RSA.
For exponentiation she sent me this pdf file
showing what she wrote. You can also take a look at
these slides.
Try computing a^b mod n
on your pocket calculator to get immediate feedback on the importance of
modular reductions (or see your computer running out of memory when computing
m^b for large b).
We'll see more attacks in this scenario on Thursday (exercise and lecture). This is a good moment to brush up some mathematics, we need Fermat's little theorem, XGCD, and the Chinese Remainder theorem.
12 Dec 2024
Here is the exercise sheet for block 5 and 6: exercise-5.pdf.
To finish off symmetric cryptography
I explained OFB and CTR mode in detail using
these slides.
With only 56 bits in the key an atack takes 2^56 trial encryptions to find the
likely candidate key k given a pair (m, Enc_k(m)). 2-DES has 112 bits in the
key but with a meet-in-the-middle attack can be broken in 2^57 computation and
2^56 space.
Still in common use at banks is 3-DES, sometimes with k1=k3. Full 3-DES needs
2^112 steps to break, there are some more weaknesses in 2-key 3-DES (k1=k3).
I used the second half of these slides.
We then did a context switch to public key crypto, starting where Monika had let off on Monday, namely that schoolbook RSA is a bad choice. The second weakness is if there are related messages, such as m_2=am_1 + b for known a and b, we can recover m_1 from expressions in the public values a,b, c_1 and c_2. The proof of the relation between the expressions A and B is on these slides.
To understand how to get out of the problem of studying all kinds of attacks we looked into security notions. Security notions and attack definitions formalize what we consider an attack and what powers the attacker has. See these slides for more precise definitions.
For signatures, the attack goal is to forge signatures,
this could mean to generate any valid (m,s) pair (existential forgery)
or to generate valid (m,s) for a meaningful message m (universal
The abilities of the attacker vary; for signatures it might be a key-only
attack (KOA), a known message attack (KMA), or a chosen message attack
(CMA). In the latter two cases the attacker sees valid signature pairs
(m,s); in CMA the attacker can choose for which messages he sees
For encryption the goal is to recover plaintext from
ciphertext;, i.e. to break one-wayness. We typically request that a
scheme is so strong that the attacker learns no information about the
plaintext from the ciphertext; this is called semantic
security. However, this is hard to deal with in practice. An
equivalent and more practical security requirement is
indistinguishability: the attacker chooses two messages m0 and m1 and
is then presented with a ciphertext c which encrypts one of m0 and
m1. The attacker wins if he correctly guesses which, i.e., if he can
distinguish the ciphertexts. To deal with a 50% chance of guessing,
the advantage of the attacker is defined as the extra chance on top of
the 50%.
The attacker may do a chosen-plaintext attack (CPA) or
a chosen-ciphertext attack (CCA).
There are two versions of CCA security: in CCA-I the attacker gets to
request decryptions of arbitrary ciphertexts until he sees challenge ciphertext c; in
CCA-II the attacker can request decryptions of ciphertexts c' (not
equal to c) also after receiving c.
The following uses these slides.
We talked about homomopphic encryption and that it might be a desirable
feature. However, if the homomorphic property is not used, it should be avoided
as it is an extra tool for an attacker.
We observe that schoolbook RSA is homomorphic with respect to multiplication.
We showed that any homomorphic system, and thus schoolbook RSA in particular,
is not OW CCA-II secure, because of the homomorphic
property: to decrypt c the attacker can ask for the decryption of
c'=c*2^e, obtain m' and get m = m'/2.
Because schoolbook RSA is deterministic, it is
not even IND-CPA secure: the attacker can simply encrypt m0 and m1
himself and compare the results to c.
To make RSA a randomized encryption one uses some padding; however
this is also error prone. PKCS#1 v1.5 is a negative example which is
broken using Bleichenbacher's attack. Take a look at for a
somewhat recent use of Bleichenbacher's attack in practice. You should be able
to understand details of the full paper Return Of Bleichenbacher's
Oracle Threat. RSA-OAEP is a better padding scheme.
You can find PKCS#1 v1.5 and the basic obsevation by Bleichenbacher
on the last page of these
The fifth homework is due on 19 December 2024 at 13:30. Here is the homework sheet. Please remember to submit your homework by encrypted, signed email to all 7 TAs. Don't forget to include your public keys.
16 Dec 2024
I suunarized some things about RSA and that RSA is atypical in that decryption
matches signing and encyprion matches verification. Normally such operations
are very different (apart from the general data flow that the former need the
private key and the latter the public key).
I showed a summary of how RSA get broken and then in detail the p-1 method and how and why it works and showed some numerical examples from these slides.
Today we covered the Diffie–Hellman key exchange as interactive protocol and as semi-static DH where one part uses a long-term public-key using these slides.
After discussing some examples of bad groups and good groups (multiplicative group of a finite field or group of points on an elliptic curve) we coverd a generic attack, i.e., an attack that works for any group.19 Dec 2024
The 6th exercise sheet exercise-6.pdf
is here. Since some of you might not make it to the instruction you can also
verify your results with the quiz on Canvas.
Monika showed ElGamal encryption and
ElGamal signatures which both use the discrete logarithm
using these
ElGamal encryption requires the message m to be an element of the group, so
typically it is easier to use DH to generate a share secret and then symmetric
crypto to encrypt and authenticate the message. ElGamal encryption is
interesting if one wants homomorphic properties (see the earlier discussion
abour RSA being homomorphic and that that means that the scheme cannot be
OW-CCA-II secure) as the product of two ciphertexts (taken component wise) is
an encryption of the product of the messages.
ElGamal encryption starts the same as the DH key exchange, with Alice
choosing a secret key a and computing and publishing public key h_a = g^a. Then
Bob, who wants to encrypt some message m to Alice, chooses a random k and computes r
= g^k. He also takes Alices public key and computes (h_a)^k. This is basically
the shared key from DH. He then encrypts the message by multiplying with this
key: c = m * (h_a)^k. Finally, he sends (r,c) to Alice. Alice can decrypt by
computing m = c / r^a.
ElGamal signatures are a little more involved. We will use l = ord(g). Alice again picks random a and computes and publishes h_a = g^a. To sign a message m, she picks a random k, computes r=g^k, and s=k^{-1}(H(m)-ar) mod l, where H is a cryptographic hash function. Every term in s is defined modulo l, except r, which is defined modulo p. Therefore the value that is send for r should be used exactly as is. The signature is then (r,s). It is accepted when g^{H(m)}-r^s(h_a)^r = 0. Anyone not knowing a cannot compute s. Note that computations in the exponent happen automatically modulo l, and that all computations involving group elements (g and h_a and r) happen modulo p. Breaking the system is as hard as the DDH problem. ElGamal signatures serve as a basis for more modern signature systems such as DSA.
As a third topic, Monika discussed the idea of secret sharing using these
In many cases the private key
should not be in posession of a single user. A nice analogy is a bank vault
which requires multiple keys to open it. The Shamir secret sharing scheme is a
t-out-of-N threshold system based on polynomials. The idea behind it is that it
requires t points to recover a (t-1)-degree polynomial. The sharer generates a
random polynomial of degree (t-1), such that f(0)=s. The values at x=1, x=2,
etc. are the shares received by the parties. The polynomial, or only the secret
value, can be reconstructed from sufficient shares by Lagrange interpolation.
t-1 or fewer users learn nothing about the secret (every possible value has the
same probability).
In practice nobody should ever know s. In theory a trusted party could compute
and use s, then forget it, and only share the result of the required
computation. A better solution is that users locally compute the desired output
with their shares, and only then combine their shares to reveal the result (but
not s). Also, often you want nobody to know the secret (which could be a secret
key), not even the sharer. This can be achieved by generating it in a
distributed manner: Everybody picks a random integer. The secret is then the
sum of all the integers. To compute it every user shares its integer in a
t-out-of-N manner (every user should receive the shares corresponding to the
same x-value), and then adds all the shares it received (including the share of
its own secret). This is basically adding the underlying random polynomials.
Enjoy your holidays. If you want to do some crypto take a look at the old exams (below). The exam for 2MDB60 will be in person, on paper, without laptops, without books. so pick exams no more recent than Jan 2020 and the exams from the last two years (exam dates in 2023 and 2024) for practicing in the same setting. The intermediate two years (2021 and 2022) had different conditions -- but still fun problems.
The sixth (and last) homework is due on 09 January 2025 at 13:30. Here is the homework sheet. Please remember to submit your homework by encrypted, signed email to all 7 TAs. Don't forget to include your public keys. This is your last chance if you still need to do an encrypted round of communication.
06 Jan 2025
No lecture today.
09 Jan 2025
Here is the exercise sheet for block 5 and 6: exercise-7.pdf.
I gave some hints of how to solve the secret sharing exercise for RSA.
I then commented on the problem with ElGamal encryption that m has to be in the
group generated by g. This either causes inconvenience, as some integer values
between 0 and p-1 cannot be encrypted or one needs a more complicated method to
encode and decode, or it causes a security problem if users just encrypt
messages outside G anyways, As an example we covered the case that G consists
of the squares in Fp*, yes (m0) is a square and no (m1) is a
non-square, permitting the attacker to easily check which one was encrypted
because c is a square for m0 and a non-square for m1. Remember that c is a
square iff c^((p-1)/2) is 1 and a non-square if that gives -1.
For an interesting case of use for ElGmal encryption where exactly this problem
of not restricting to messages in G happened in real, see this research by
Pierrick Gaudry
here on the Moscow
electronic voting system which didn't ensure that all messages
were squares while g generated the subgroup of squares. This meant that an
attacker can distinguish whether a vote was for a candidate for whom the
corresponding m is a square or not.
Motivated by the problems with ElGamal encryption and RSA encryption we covered
two solution for how to encrypt messages. Both fall back to using symmetric
crypto to encrypt and authenticate the actual message and public-key
crypto to achieve that sender and receiver share the symmetric key.
The first option is to use semi-static DH, covered some lectures ago, where A
publishes h_A as public key and B picks a one-time secret k to communicate with
her. B sends gk and the symmetric authenicated encryption of his
message und a key h, which is Hash(h_Ak). A can compute the same key as
Then I showed the KEM-DEM paradigm and how to turn a PKE into a KEM by
encrypting a random message from the message space and using Hash(m,c) as
key. This nicely avoids all attacks using that m is human readable or tnat it can have some
algebraic structure.
Any system based on DLP has at most square root of the group order hardness of the DLP because of BSGS. For elliptic-curve groups that's also the best known attack complexity while the number field sieve is a faster attack on finite-field DLP which reduces the security per bit of p to that of RSA numbers, so fields need to have 2048 - 4096 bits. This attack is subexponential in p but the subgroup in which the DLP needs to be solved can be smaller. The element g is always taken to generate a prime-order subgroup. Choices are that p= 2p'+1 for p' a prime as well and then g generating the subgroup of squares or that g generates a much smaller (256 bits) subgroup.
I had already covered how an active attacker can mount a man-in-the-middle attack on DH by ipersonating Bob to Alice and Alice to Bob while in fact doing separate key exxchanges with them. Today we covered the Needham-Schroeder identification protocol which was meant to ensure authenticity, i.e., that A is sure that she talks to B and that B is sure that he talks to A. The scheme uses PKE (so no signatures) and assumes that A and B know each others public keys. Nevertheless Eve can impersonate Alice to Bob if she can get Alice to start a conversation with her (no impersonation there, A knows she is talking to E). The reason that this works is that Bob's reply is not linked to the scope of his exchange with Eve and Eve can pass it on to Alice as her own message in the conversation Alice–Eve.. It's easy to fix this by including the public keys of all communicating parties in the encrypted message or include the hash of the transcript in the encrypted message (if space is an issue). We'll get back to this on Monday
Pictures of black boards are here.
Thanks to the student who took them for me.
13 Jan 2025
No lecture, see
Please watch
We"ve covered part of the first video on Thu already.
16 Jan 2025
No instruction or lecture tdday, see
20 Jan 2025
In the previous lecture we covered how Eve can use Alice as a decryption oracle
to impersonate her to Bob in the Needham-Schroeder protocol. This lecture I
covered how to avoid this attack and lessons learned.
We also discussed how to avoid this attack using signatures or 3-DH with long-term keys
and epehemeral keys.
Finally we covered some unusual types of signatures.
Blind signatures are used in and
make constructive use of the homomorphic properties of RSA signatures (without
hashing). I showed how the scheme works and also commented on what to
watch out for, in particular double spending.
Undeniable signatures limit who can verify a signature and
require interaction between the signer and the verifier to verify. I showed
Chaum's protocol which uses the DLP for 'signatures' and how an interactive
protocol shows that the signature is valid – and how Alice can show that
she did in fact not sign a message. For a numerical example see the
last two pages from these slides.
I also covered disavowal using the slides. Judging fron questions after the
lecture, this went a bit too fast for the argument why this proves that Alice
is honest and really didn't sign. Do note that only an honest reply from Alice
permits dividing by g^f to get a pure power of s -- and the same as in the
other reponse when dividing by g^t (and raising to the matching
exponents e and r).
Pictures of black boards are here.
23 Jan 2025
Both the instruction and the lecture are on exam preparation. For the
instructions please prepare and ask about the exam from January 2024: here.
For the lecture slot you can ask
me anything incl old exams. Most relevant are the last six exams and
the exams of Jan 2020 and eaerlier, i.e., in
the handwritten format which matches what you'll encounter on 3 Feb.
It's best if you come prepared with questions or even email me them before; I
will talk about them in the order in which I get them.
You can see the questions on the pictures below.
For LFSRs I covered the April 2024 exam.
I tried to document more than neede by the approach and solution.
Other topics were the modes exercise from April 2024 and NTRU from Jan 2024.
Pictures of black boards are here.
3 Feb
Exam! Please check online before the exam for the room info, looks like we're
in the sports complex. Bring some extra pullover, in previous years that room
was insufficiently heated for the outside weather and sitting still.
This course was given for the first time in Q2 of 2014. Here are my exams so far