
We have set aside a number of rooms on a first-come first-serve basis at following hotels. Note that the week of ECC a big medical congress will take place in Copenhagen. Therefore, many of the hotels are booked out already now and the remaining ones were not too keen on setting aside rooms. So my advice is to make the booking as soon as possible. Transportation should be less of a problem.

Attendees can select a hotel in downtown Copenhagen, in Lyngby, or close to campus (north of Lyngby). Travel between downtown Copenhagen and the DTU campus takes approximately 30 minutes by public transportation. Check www.dsb.dk for connections. The DTU campus is a short bus ride from Lyngby. Finally, there are some hotels that are within a 20-minute walk of DTU.

Please let me (Tanja Lange) know in case the information displayed on this page is outdated (e.g. all vacancies taken) and if you need additional help. Calling around is much easier done here locally.

The following lists are in alphabetical order.

Downtown Copenhagen hotels
Lyngby hotels
Hotel within a walking distance of campus
Further Hotels
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