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Who ‒ The Tahoe-LAFS Project
About this talk
- Tahoe-LAFS crypto design
- things you might be able to do with this information:
- definitions (e.g. Ristenpart et al. 2013)
- proofs
- variants with better security and performance
- extensions with new features from our wishlist
- implement it!
What ‒ cryptographic storage
Why ‒ use cases
- backup …with “provider-independent security”
- file-sharing
- censorship-resistant hosting?
- decentralized web apps‽ …e.g. “TiddlyWiki”
How ‒ part 1: capabilities
- start with a cap
- location/routing
- integrity/file identity
- access control
How ‒ part 2: mutable and immutable files
How ‒ part 2: mutable and immutable files
How ‒ part 2: mutable and immutable files
How ‒ part 2: mutable and immutable files
How ‒ part 2: mutable and immutable files
How ‒ part 3: erasure coding
How ‒ part 3: erasure coding
How ‒ putting it all together
How ‒ putting it all together