Crypto 2014 rump session: Submission form

To request a talk slot at the Crypto 2014 rump session, fill out the following form before Monday 18 August 2014, 22:00 Santa Barbara time. Some submissions may have to be rejected because of time constraints; please remember that the rump session is meant for short and entertaining presentations.

The file-switching time before each rump-session talk often seems longer than the talk itself, and often is longer than the talk itself. The Crypto 2014 rump session will attempt to reduce the talk-switching time by concatenating PDFs for adjacent talks. If you plan to give a talk without slides, or if you don't have slides ready yet, please prepare and submit one slide stating your name and talk title.

Online updates of slides for previous submissions will be accepted until some time on Tuesday. Updated slides will not be accepted on USB sticks or by email.

Submission ID to make a new submission:

Submission ID to view/revise/withdraw an existing submission:

Requested minutes for talk (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7):

Example: 7


Example: On the collision probability of security conferences


Example: Alexandra Boldyreva, Casey Henderson


Example: Alexandra Boldyreva

Email address (not for publication) for confirming submission:

Name of PDF file with slides to upload:

I am the speaker. I understand that rump sessions are often webcast and recorded.

Please include the audio and video of my talk in the online record of the rump session, if there is an official recording.

Please include these slides in the online record of the rump session.

Brief summary (not for publication) of this talk:

Example: We evaluate the probability that two major security conferences will be scheduled during overlapping days in a year containing 365 days. We simplify the evaluation by fixing the dates for one conference and playing darts with the other conference. We experimentally observe a collision; this is surprising because intuitively one expects communication to produce an anti-collision behavior. We also evaluate the impact of this collision.
Example: The United States Department of Defense has requested a TLS mode which allows the use of longer public randomness values for use with high security level cipher suites like those specified in Suite B. The rationale for this as stated by DoD is that the public randomness for each side should be at least twice as long as the security level for cryptographic parity, which makes the 224 bits of randomness provided by the current TLS random values insufficient.

Explanation (not for publication) of why this talk belongs in the rump session:

Example: News. Found this result four weeks ago.
Example: Advertising result that appeared at TCC 2014.
Example: Have already bribed the rump-session chairs.
Example: Has been accepted for the Fourteenth NSA Workshop on Indigenous Cryptography.
Example: Will be funny, I promise.
Example: Was unfairly rejected from the regular program.