FSE 2012 rump session: Submission form

A submission under that ID already exists. Your submission has been withdrawn. A copy of the withdrawal information has also been sent to you by email. Outgoing mail seems to have failed; please save a copy of this page. 0) { if ($bytes > 16777216) { $problems = true; $slidestoobig = true; } $fi = fopen($_FILES['slides']['tmp_name'],'r'); if (!$fi) { $problems = true; $slidesblank = true; } else { if (fread($fi,5) != "%PDF-") { $problems = true; $slidesnotpdf = true; } fclose($fi); } } else { if (!$alreadysubmitted) { $problems = true; $slidesblank = true; } } } if ($submitting && !$problems) { $dir = 'data/'.md5($id); destroydir($dir); if (!mkdir($dir)) { $problems = true; $internalproblems = true; } if (!chmod($dir,01777)) { $problems = true; $internalproblems = true; } store($dir.'/id',$id); store($dir.'/minutes',$_POST['minutes']); store($dir.'/title',$_POST['title']); store($dir.'/authors',$_POST['authors']); store($dir.'/speaker',$_POST['speaker']); store($dir.'/email',$_POST['email']); store($dir.'/webcast',$_POST['webcast']); store($dir.'/videoonline',$_POST['videoonline']); store($dir.'/slidesonline',$_POST['slidesonline']); store($dir.'/summary',$_POST['summary']); store($dir.'/explanation',$_POST['explanation']); if ($bytes > 0) { destroyslides($dir); if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['slides']['tmp_name'],$dir.'.pdf')) { $problems = true; $internalproblems = true; } chmod($dir.'.pdf',0555); $checksum = md5_file($dir.'.pdf'); } } if ($submitting && !$problems) { ?> Thank you for your submission. Please make a note of the Submission ID below, and please use the Submission ID for all updates to the submission. 0 && $checksum) { $message .= "Slides: MD5 checksum ".$checksum.", ".$bytes." bytes\r\n"; $message .= "\r\n"; } $message .= "I am the speaker. I understand that rump sessions are often webcast and recorded: "; $message .= ($_POST['webcast'] == "yes" ? "yes" : "no")."\r\n"; $message .= "Please include the audio and video of my talk in the online record of the rump session: "; $message .= ($_POST['videoonline'] == "yes" ? "yes" : "no")."\r\n"; $message .= "Please include these slides in the online record of the rump session: "; $message .= ($_POST['slidesonline'] == "yes" ? "yes" : "no")."\r\n"; $message .= "\r\n"; $message .= "Brief summary of this talk:\r\n"; $message .= $_POST['summary']."\r\n"; $message .= "\r\n"; $message .= "Explanation of why this talk belongs in the rump session:\r\n"; $message .= $_POST['explanation']."\r\n"; if (mail( $_POST['email'], $_POST['submit'] == 'Submit' ? "FSE 2012 rump session: Submission received" : "FSE 2012 rump session: Revision received", $message, "Return-Path: rumpsession@box.cr.yp.to\n" ."From: rumpsession@box.cr.yp.to\n" ."Cc: rumpsession@box.cr.yp.to\n" ."Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit", "-f rumpsession@box.cr.yp.to" )) { ?> A copy of the submission information has also been sent to you by email. Outgoing mail seems to have failed; please save a copy of this page. Your form has not been processed. See below for explanation.

Internal failure. Please try again later.

To request a talk slot at the FSE 2012 rump session, fill out the following form before Tuesday 20 March 2012, 10:00 Washington time. Some submissions may have to be rejected because of time constraints; please remember that the rump session is meant for short and entertaining presentations.

The file-switching time before each rump-session talk often seems longer than the talk itself, and often is longer than the talk itself. The FSE 2012 rump session will attempt to reduce the talk-switching time by concatenating PDFs for adjacent talks. If your slides are suffering from the PDF format, please contact the rump-session chairs (rumpsession at box.cr.yp.to) to discuss other options, but submit a PDF in the meantime. If you plan to give a talk without slides, or if you don't have slides ready yet, please prepare and submit one slide stating your name and talk title.

Online updates of slides for previous submissions will be accepted until some time on Tuesday. Updated slides will not be accepted on USB sticks or by email.

Submission ID to make a new submission:
Blank ID is not allowed for new submissions.

Submission ID to view/revise/withdraw an existing submission:
No such submission. Please enter an existing submission ID.

Requested minutes for talk (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7):
Please specify a number of minutes.
Example: 3

Title is required.
Example: Collisions for hash functions MD4, MD5, HAVAL-128 and RIPEMD

Author list is required.
Example: Xiaoyun Wang, Xuejia Lai (& Dengguo Feng, Hongbo Yu)

Speaker name is required.
Example: Xiaoyun Wang

Email address (not for publication) for confirming submission:
Email address is required.

Name of PDF file with slides to upload:

0 && $checksum) { echo "Submitted slides have MD5 checksum ".$checksum.", ".$bytes." bytes.

"; } ?> Slides are required.
Please submit a PDF file.
Please reduce your file size below 16MB.

> I am the speaker. I understand that rump sessions are often webcast and recorded.
You have to click on this one. Damn lawyers!

> Please include the audio and video of my talk in the online record of the rump session, if there is an official recording.

> Please include these slides in the online record of the rump session.

Brief summary (not for publication) of this talk:

Summary is required.
Example: We've found collisions for MD4 etc.!
Example: Alice will prove that Bob doesn't know Jack.

Explanation (not for publication) of why this talk belongs in the rump session:

Explanation is required.
Example: News. Found this result four weeks ago.
Example: Advertising result that is appearing today at TCC 2012.
Example: Have already bribed the rump-session chairs.
Example: About to be submitted to SecIoT 2012.
Example: Will be funny, I promise.
Example: Was unfairly rejected from the regular program.