AppliedCrypto 2010 registration form

0) { if ($bytes > 16777216) { $problems = true; $keytoobig = true; } $fi = fopen($_FILES['key']['tmp_name'],'r'); if (!$fi) { $problems = true; $keyblank = true; } else { $x=fread($fi,7); if ($x != "ssh-rsa") { if ($x != "ssh-dss") { $problems = true; $notkey = true; } } fclose($fi); } } } if ($submitting && !$problems) { $id = md5($random."id"); $dir = 'data/'.md5($id); if (!mkdir($dir)) { $problems = true; $internalproblems = true; } if (!chmod($dir,01777)) { $problems = true; $internalproblems = true; } store($dir.'/id',$id); store($dir.'/first',$_POST['first']); store($dir.'/last',$_POST['last']); store($dir.'/affiliation',$_POST['affiliation']); store($dir.'/country',$_POST['country']); store($dir.'/email',$_POST['email']); if ($bytes > 0) { if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['key']['tmp_name'],$dir.'/key')) { $problems = true; $internalproblems = true; } $checksum = md5_file($dir.'/key'); } } if ($submitting && !$problems) { ?> Thank you for registering. 0 && $checksum) { $message .= "MD5 checksum of key ".$checksum.", ".$bytes." bytes\r\n"; $message .= "\r\n"; } if (mail( $_POST['email'], "AppliedCrypto 2010 registration", $message, "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" ."Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" ."From: AppliedCrypto 2010 registration " . "\n" ."\n" ."Return-Path: " . "" , "-f" )) { ?> A copy of the registration information has also been sent to you by email. Outgoing mail seems to have failed; try again. Your registration has not been processed. See below for explanation.

Internal failure. Please try again later.

First name and middle initials (for publication):
First name is required.
Last name (for publication):
Last name is required.
Affiliation (for publication):
Affiliation is required.
Country (for publication):
Country is required.

Email address (not for publication):
Email address is required.

Optional but recommended for participation in the "Writing really fast code" lab session: Name of ssh public-key file (on a Linux machine this looks like /home/you/.ssh/ so that you can log into the AppliedCrypto server:

0 && $checksum) { echo "Submitted key has MD5 checksum ".$checksum.", ".$bytes." bytes.

"; } ?> This file is not a valid public key.

> I confirm that this is my email address, and I agree to receive email at this address about AppliedCrypto 2010.
How else are we supposed to reach you?

The following data has been saved:

0) { ?> "; } ?>
First name:  
Last name:  
E-Mail address:  
A confirmation email has been sent to this address.
Submitted key has MD5 checksum: