Name bank: | Rabobank |
Account number: | |
Account holder: | TU/e |
Den Dolech 2 | |
5612 AZ Eindhoven | |
IBAN: | NL42RABO0158249658 |
Mentioning: | Activity number 1001909, DIAC Your_Last_Name |
There is a limited number of stipends available to Ph.D. students and
recent post docs from the EU and associated states who cannot afford
attending otherwise. Note that Ph.D. students from full members of ECRYPT II
are not eligible.
Stipends cover the registration fee and at most 500 EUR support to travel
and accommodation. Receipts are needed for reimbursement.
Please send applications to
Tanja Lange at diac at
Please note that we cannot fund applicants from other countries.